Expert advice and reporting on domestic window and door installation disputes

Our Independent Inspection reports are designed to cover all circumstance, whether you are engaged in a legal dispute or are just looking for confirmation that your windows and doors have been installed correctly we have the expertise and flexibility to meet your needs. We offer four standard levels of reporting but can always accommodate cases that may fall outside of these.

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Remote video assessment

Sometimes all you need is confirmation from an independent expert whether there is a problem or not. Our 30-minute video assessments are a quick and cost effective way to access expert opinion.

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Defect report

Want one of our experts to visit your installation but still want to keep costs to a minimum, our Defect report may be perfect.

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Condition report

Need a little more detail, our Condition reports are designed to provide you with all the information required, whether you are looking to resolve a dispute directly or providing evidence to a third party such as a Bank or Credit provider an in-depth inspection and Condition report is the way to go.

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Expert witness reporting

Sometimes legal action is unavoidable, if you are looking for an accredited expert to provide a fully CPR35 compliant report for you or as a joint expert we can help.

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